
Driver Code of Conduct

I will:

  • Ensure that my vehicle is in good working order and ready to receive my clients
  • Obey all the traffic laws of the country in which I operate
  • Ensure that I am physically, mentally and physiologically prepared and able to operate my vehicle
  • Seek to place my riders at ease by asking of their preferred route; listening preferences and whether they wish to engage in silence or have conversation.
  • Ensure that I am in possession of a reliable mobile device and all other necessary tools inclusive of a phone mount; charger; data plan (recommended 4G LTE) required to perform my duties effectively
  • Approach the allRiDi app and the service that if offers as the professional business it is
  • To keep the app in the foreground once I am on duty as use of other applications can limit the efficiency of allRiDi. (recommended separate device for allRiDi)
  • Maintain a driver rating 4.6 and above to maintain the excellent customer service rating of allRiDi
  • Not eat, smoke, vape, stop for gas, consume alcoholic beverages, talk on the phone, use narcotics while on duty.
  • Maintain a high standard of professionalism, respect and courtesy with all customers in dress; conversation and action.
  • Not engage in any unprofessional way or engage in unsolicited activity with any customer at any time.
  • Not share my account information with any other driver or individual
  • Not allow any person to accompany me on trips once I am on duty!
  • Always keep my vehicle information up to date in app as I understand this information is being transmitted to our customers.
  • Not engage in a dispute regarding fares with the rider. I will collect what is displayed and contact support of need be after the trip.
  • Not start the trip unless the rider is in the vehicle, unless instructed by the rider to do so.